Cek Akreditasi Prodi
Cara mengecek akreditasi program studi kampus https://banpt.or.id/direktori/prodi/pencarian_prodi.
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Terdapat beberapa jurusan yang ada :
Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian
Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Cek Akreditasi Prodi
![Prodi Prodi](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-b7AdIMRihbA/W53xkBAfWeI/AAAAAAAADOA/ENaLsf-wiDsGFRyefLolzS6QRzowbGo3gCLcBGAs/s640/ALL.png)
From The Dean
Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP
Welcome to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FAT) at the Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.
I would like to highlight that it is not only Indonesia but the world has also been challenged by food and nutrition security as well as energy security issues. It is our obligation as scientists, researchers and innovators to contribute towards addressing those issues.
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Cek Akreditasi Program Studi
Therefore, advancements in agricultural technology for sustainable food productions while considering environmental issues, is of great importance.
Love strange love 1982 full movie online movie. FAT is one of the largest faculties in the field of agricultural technology in East Java, Indonesia. With 3 (three) Departments and 11 (eleven) Study Programs, we offer you a remarkable opportunity to feed the world and to help the community through food science and environmental-related technology.
News Update
- Monday May 20th, 2019
HACCP Competency Certification Agricultural Product Technology Department in collaboration with PT. JMKP LSP (Quality Assurance and Food Safety)
- Saturday May 18th, 2019
Take Care of Friendship: THP Organizes Joint Openings
- Thursday May 16th, 2019
Sonowangi Ampelgading Village Becomes Community Service Center HIMATITAN FTP UB
- Wednesday May 15th, 2019
Agritech Sport Holds Break Fasting with Children of Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage
- Wednesday May 15th, 2019
Evaluation of the Himalogista Work Program at the Middle Meeting of the Himalogista Period 201
- Monday May 13th, 2019
Himalogista Study “BLEWAH”: Discuss More Polisakarida Breaking Enzymes with THP college
- Monday May 13th, 2019
Himatitan Social Project (Agriculture Industry Technology Student Association) “GO GREEN” in Kalipare, Malang Regency
- Thursday May 9th, 2019
Leadership Training: HIMALOGISTA Holds a Leadership Session
- Tuesday May 7th, 2019
TIP Students Win a Business Plan Competition organized by BEM Faculty of Engineering, Bandung Islamic University
- Monday May 6th, 2019
Commemoration of 2 May: BEM FTP Involved in the Call for Action on National Education Day
- Monday May 6th, 2019
ABC Visitation to Padhang Bulan Cooperative UIN Maliki Malang in the Framework of Sharing Knowledge About Entrepreneurship
- Sunday May 5th, 2019
Agritechno Business Center (ABC) Conduct Business Proposal and Design Training